“The key thing to remember about me is that I’m still a student, I’m still in boot camp.”
My understanding
There is a kind of freedom in admitting I do not know everything.
It means I do not have to pretend. I do not have to chase the illusion of mastery, as if there is some finish line where learning stops, where growth is complete. That line does not exist. Every expert was once a beginner. Every master was once a student who kept learning long after others decided they were "done".
Boot camp is not comfortable. It is repetitive, exhausting, even discouraging at times. It forces me to confront my weaknesses and push through resistance. But it is also where transformation happens. The artist does not create a masterpiece before years of practice, she creates it because of them.
This quote reminds me that being in boot camp is a sign of commitment. Growth requires discomfort. Learning requires humility. And the moment I stop seeing myself as a student is the moment I stop evolving.
So I embrace the struggle. I welcome the mistakes. Because every time I get up and keep going, I am not proving that I already know everything. I am proving that I am willing to learn.
And that is what truly matters.
Reminds me
“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” I remember this quote from Mark Twain whenever I feel discouraged by my progress. It reminds me that growth is a process, not a destination.
"There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." This quote from Derek Jeter inspires me to keep pushing forward, even when I feel like I am falling behind. It reminds me that effort is the key to success.