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They will fly once their own wings are strong enough.

Rickson Gracie

My understanding

There is a moment when a bird no longer needs the nest. When its wings are strong enough, it takes flight. Not because it knows it will succeed, but because it must try.

Rickson Gracie’s words remind me that growth happens when the time is right, but knowing when that moment has arrived is never easy. I see this in children. They struggle, they fall, they push against their limits. And one day, without anyone telling them they are "ready," they just are. They fly.

The same is true in professional life. No one hands me a perfect moment. No one tells me, "You are strong enough now." If I wait for certainty, I may never take off. The only way to know is to try. To step into the challenge and see if my wings will hold.

And honestly, I like the tough moments. They test me, shape me, force me to grow. But the real question is, when is "strong enough" truly enough?

Maybe the answer is simple: as long as I keep trying, I am already flying.

Reminds me

  1. From Paulo Coelho, “The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”

  2. Steve Jobs’ quote "You never achieve what you want without falling on your face a few times.".


Rickson Gracie shares this idea in Breathe: A Life in Flow, a book that reflects on his journey in jiu-jitsu, discipline, and the mindset needed to face life’s toughest moments.

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