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Winning an argument was never more important than preserving the relationship.

Brian Chesky

My understanding

There was a time when I thought winning an argument meant proving my point, walking away with the last word, and feeling like I had "won". But over time, I realized something. Winning an argument often comes at a cost.

Being right is not the same as being heard. And proving a point does not always build understanding. I can push forward, determined to win, but what if I lose something more valuable in the process? A friendship, a connection, a sense of trust.

Brian Chesky’s words remind me that some things matter more than being right. A strong relationship, whether in business, friendship, or family, is built on respect and the ability to listen, not on the need to win.

Because in the long run, it is not about who was right. It is about who stayed.

Brian Chesky, Co-Founder and CEO of Airbnb: Designing a 10-star Experience at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Reminds me

  1. From Paulo Coelho, “The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”

  2. Steve Jobs’ quote "You never achieve what you want without falling on your face a few times.".

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