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When you pray for rain, you gotta deal with mud too.

Denzel Washington

My understanding

Every chievement comes with its own challenges. It’s a package deal. The things I want in life often come with responsibilities, hard work, or unexpected complications.

If I pray for success, I have to be ready to deal with critics or competition.

If I want a big opportunity, I need to handle the pressure and expectations that come with it.

Even in relationships, love brings joy, but it also requires effort and compromise.

This quote encourages me to embrace both the good and the messy parts of life.

Achieving anything meaningful means being ready for the whole experience, not just the easy or joyful parts.

This quote from Denzel Washington in The Equalizer.

Equalizer (2014)

Reminds me

  1. A Turkish proverb “If you love the rose, you must endure its thorns.” The things we love often come with challenges. Accepting them is part of the deal.
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