“Everybody has plans until they get hit for the first time.”
My understanding
It is easy to feel confident when everything is going according to plan. When I have time to think, prepare, and move at my own pace, I believe I am in control.
But then, life throws a punch I never saw coming.
A failure, a rejection, an unexpected challenge. And just like that, my perfect plan means nothing.
The real strength is not about having a flawless strategy. It is about what I do when the unexpected happens. Do I freeze and fall apart? Or do I adapt, stay on my feet, and keep going?
Life. No matter how much I prepare, I cannot predict every hit. But I don’t have to. The real fight is not about avoiding the punch. It is about getting back up.
Because in the end, plans change. What really matters is my ability to keep moving forward.
Reminds me
“Top piece of advice in nearly every situation: Don’t overthink it.” from Jason Fried. Action beats overthinking and fear every time.
“Never say you can’t do it. Say I haven’t done it yet.” Our choices and environment shape who we become.
“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.” from Paulo Coelho. Falling down is part of the journey. Getting back up is the real secret.
Steve Jobs’ quote "You never achieve what you want without falling on your face a few times.".